On-site repair for dryer cast hole of paper rolling machine 091104
No. 5 Dryer sunk for Union Paper 090822
Feeding equipment for tire manufacturing facility Inspecting the damage situation
One of the faulty parts Dealing with on-site MTD, step 1
Dealing with on-site MTD, step 2 Piled welding completed (not yet finished with details)
Initial evaluation after thorough handling
Welding & grinding on the spot for machine axis (S3600009) On-site repair for main stuff peeled off from Heidelberg
printing roller
Repair for roller crush of Heidelberg 6 colored machine On-site repair for Glazed roller of Heidelberg 6 colored machine
Disassembling the screws from Heidelberg 4 colored machine On-site welding for bearing worn down of Mori 4 colored machine
Repair for bearing worn down from printing machine Repair for plate corner sunk of proofer
On-site plating repair for crushed roller Oak barrel sponge brush postharvest treatment before the plane grinder
Roller crushed before repair Roller crushed after repair & ground
On-site welding for crack working arm of 30 ton excavator On-site welding for the track of sandblaster
Plating process for Metal reborn & anti-corrosion of Plating for metal reborn on the shaft front part of decelerator
Taipower hydroelectric generator
Repairing for Thrust Bearing of Taipower hydroelectric On-site plating & grinding at Taipower Hydroelectric
generator power plant for rusted shaft
Repair for massive collapse on engine hood On-site repairing for abrasion of kiln bearing located
by using metal reborn coating 40 meters height in Asia Cement
Surface ceramics strengthen & repair for main shaft corrosion On-site repair by using hypothermia welding
of Taipower hydroelectric generator for large casting